Private Limited Company

A Private Limited Company is the most prevalent and popular type of legal entity in India. It is also the most desirable form of entity for NRIs intending to bring foreign investment into their business. PravasiVentures has a team of qualified professionals who will provide you a personalised experience in incorporating your company to suit to your business needs.

PravasiVentures Services

  • Obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for all the proposed directors.
  • Applying with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) for name reservation.
  • Drafting the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company.
  • Filing the necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) for incorporation of the company.
  • Application for PAN and TAN for the company.
  • Liaising with the RoC and assistance in obtaining the certificate of incorporation.
  • Filing the form for Commencement of Business.
Capital Structuring

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